The Local's Hottest Magazine

Check it out my "Fire Bug" piece is in The Local's Hottest Magazine! My first dual publication with Deanna Marie from One Stop Pinup!

Supra Quintessence Post!

How cool is this! What a lovely post on Supra Quintessence about the Bond & Knight wallets featuring my Pin Up designs! I'm so happy to see that everyone loves them as much as I do.

New Oil Pinting

Title - " Black Bird" Oil on canvas board

Tattoo desined by me!

I love the art of tattooing and one of the fun things I've been asked to do by some clients is create a tattoo design for them. Here's the latest custom tattoo design that I created and drew for a client. It says Blessed in Finnish and each peacock feather has a first initial of a blessed one in her life.. mom, husband, and 3 nephews.
Tattooed by Nina at Laughing Buddha

2011 PMOY Claire Sinclair!

I'm very lucky to have a model and muse like Claire Sinclair come in and pose for me from time to time. She's an absolute doll to work with and perfect pin up model for my artwork. Here's a picture of Claire holding the original " That Touch Of Leather" piece I did of here this past year.